My Dog
My Dog (Our Dog) is a Golden Retriever name "Nanna" it is five years old, and a great part of our family,
Nanna loves children and welcomes all our Grandchildren with a great attention, and tenderness.
There are so many different dogs to choose, our choice falls on the Golden Retriever,
and this choice fits perfectly into to our Family.
I hope you will enjoy all the good information about Dogs.
Bjørn Larsen Editor/Artist
The dog evolved from the gray wolf into more than 400 distinct breeds.
Human beings have played a major role in creating dogs that fulfill distinct societal needs.
Through the most rudimentary form of genetic engineering,
dogs were bred to accentuate instincts that were evident from their earliest encounters with humans.
Although details about the evolution of dogs are uncertain,
the first dogs were hunters with keen senses of sight and smell.
Humans developed these instincts and created new breeds as need or desire arose.