In a world of 8 billion people
In a world of 8 billion people
Waste of Food
In a world of 8 billion people, set to grow to 9 billion by 2050, wasting food makes no sense — economically, environmentally,
and ethically,” says Achim Steiner, U.N. undersecretary general and U.N. environment program executive director.
As American families prepare to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner, the United Nations’ Food
and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates the world produces enough food waste —
about 1.4 billion tons — to feed as many as 2 billion people each year.
That’s roughly one-third of the global food supply.
The numbers aren’t more encouraging domestically.
From farm to dinner table, the United States loses or wastes 133 billion pounds of food per year,
the USDA reported in its 2014 report on food loss.
That’s 31 percent of the country’s annual available food supply, or 429 pounds per person, per year.
Americans’ food loss was worth about $161.6 billion at retail prices in 2010, the USDA says.
Meanwhile, about 815 million people do not have enough food to lead a healthy,
active life, and nearly 25 percent of people in developing countries are undernourished, according to the World Food Program.
Surce: World Vision
Stop Wasting Food
Stop Wasting Food movement Denmark (Stop Spild Af Mad) is Denmark’s largest non-profit movement against food waste,
which has initiated the fight against food waste in Denmark.
Since its foundation in 2008, Stop Wasting Food helped bringing massive focus on food waste on Denmark’s agenda
and has achieved a large number of results in Denmark, in collaboration with the Danish Government, EU and UN.
Stop Wasting Food
Stop Wasting Food movement Denmark (Stop Spild Af Mad) is Denmark’s largest non-profit movement against food waste,
which has initiated the fight against food waste in Denmark.
Since its foundation in 2008, Stop Wasting Food helped bringing massive focus on food waste on Denmark’s agenda
and has achieved a large number of results in Denmark, in collaboration with the Danish Government, EU and UN.
Source: Stop wasting food movement