Just like an active, healthy lifestyle helps your muscles and bones stay strong, exercising your mind pays dividends for your brain. And that goes beyond playing chess or doing complex puzzles. Listening to or playing music is like “a total brain workout,” according to a Johns Hopkins Medicine article.
“Music is structural, mathematical and architectural. It’s based on relationships between one note and the next. You may not be aware of it, but your brain has to do a lot of computing to make sense of it,” the article states.
One of the benefits of keeping your mind sharp with music is improved memory. After the “Mozart study,” further studies probing the effects of music on the human brain yielded consistent findings that classical music has the most significant positive impact on memory. One experiment showed that people listening to classical music performed better on short-term memory tests than those who did not.
Some researchers have shown promising results that music therapy can reduce the decline of dementia patients, including those suffering from Alzheimer's. Incorporating music into treatment can improve cognition in patients while lessening other symptoms and helping patients socialize.