Glass of water Glass of Water Clean Water Is Scarce. Clean, safe drinking water is scarce for the nearly 1.8 billion people Glass of Water Clean Water Is Scarce. Clean, safe drinking water is scarce for the nearly 1.8 billion people who currently use a source of water contaminated with feces. They desperately need better water solutions Around the world, less than 50% of the population of 46 countries has access to a sanitation facility. Currently, 14% of the world population (approximately 1 billion people) practice open defecation. Moreover, 9 out of 10 people defecating openly live in rural areas -- away from sources of safe water. This water scarcity has a profound effect on women and girls, a group already facing disparities around the world. Lack of clean water and sanitation prevents nearly 500 million women and girls from practicing menstrual hygiene management . This results in infection, embarrassment, and overhaling unease every month. In addition to these effects, the burden of finding water -- whether clean or not -- falls on women and girls. UNICEF estimates that women and girls spend 200 million hours every day collecting water. Imagine what would happen if clean water was easier to find? Source: Billion Bottle Project The safety and accessibility of drinking-water Glas of Water The safety and accessibility of drinking-water are major concerns throughout the world. Health risks may arise from consumption of water contaminated with infectious agents, toxic chemicals, and radiological hazards. Improving access to safe drinking-water can result in tangible improvements to health. Source: WHO