8 Different Types of Limes with Images
Limes are produced by citrus trees and they have been used in a lot of things.
You can see the limes being used on plate edges as an accessory, or as a garnish on some alcoholic beverages.
But these citrus fruits are more than just a mere decoration.
This round, green in color fruit with a sour taste, has multiple usage and benefits.
Citrus plants have originated within the tropical Southeast Asia and South Asia regions.
Migration and trading have made it possible for the citrus fruits to be discovered all around the world.
Are There Benefits in Limes?
The different types of limes may vary by appearance and acidity, but they provide mostly the same benefits.
In comparison to lemons, limes have higher levels of sugar and acidity.
Lime juice is the most common product that we will see on the markets. Squeezed juices from the limes are processed into bottles, either unsweetened or sweetened.
Source: Asian Recipe
What are lemons and limes?
Lemons and limes are two kinds of fruit that — though genetically different — are closely related.
Source: Healthline